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Contact the FTS Team

For questions on a specific awarded funding:

  1. Navigate to the details of a project;
  2. Click the "Request more information" button;
  3. Fill in the mail content, to send your question to the responsible department.

For more general questions about the Financial Transparency System, please read our privacy policy and contact us directly. We will try to reply within 15 working days.

Please also check our FAQ, Help and About pages to see whether your question has already been answered.

Contact DG Budget

FTS - Phone

Phone number: +32 2 299 11 11
(Commission switchboard)

FTS - Post

Postal address:
Directorate-General for Budget
European Commission
Rue Montoyer 15
1000 Brussels

Access to documents

European citizens have a right to request access to documents held by the European institutions. To help them exercise this right, the European Commission makes a large number of documents available online via the Access to documents service.