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Content of the website

On this website you can find the names of the beneficiaries of funds awarded (in budgetary terms: "committed") by the Commission every year.

The Financial Transparency System publishes only the beneficiaries of the following sources of funding:

  • EU budget directly administered by the Commission's departments, its staff in the EU delegations, or through executive agencies;
  • EU budget implemented indirectly by international organisations or non-EU countries ('indirect management');
  • European Development Fund.

The following funding types are published on this site:

  • Grants
  • Prizes (as of financial year 2013)
  • Public procurement (including provisional commitments) (as of financial year 2013)
  • Public procurement including other expenditure (financial years 2011 and 2012)
  • Financial Instruments (as of financial year 2013)
  • Budget Support (as of financial year 2013)
  • External Experts (as of financial year 2013)

Data for any given year is not published until the following year. Search results include:

  • Who receives the funds (beneficiary)
  • Subject, i.e. the purpose of the expenditure
  • Where the beneficiary is located (country, if they are natural persons the information on location is limited to region according to the NUTS2 classification, post code)
  • Amount and type of expenditure (operational vs. administrative)
  • Which responsible department (directorate-general (DG) or agency) awarded the funding
  • Which part of the EU budget (budget line) it comes from
  • When (year) the amount was booked in the accounts

The following will also be given, if available:

  • Type of action, usually the relevant EU programme
  • Coordinator – the beneficiary responsible for redistributing funds in a multi-beneficiary project.

Please note that important changes had to be implemented in the Financial Transparency System (FTS) following the entry into force of the EU new Financial Regulation and its rules of application. These have an impact on the publication of financial year 2012 data onwards. The main changes are as follows:

  • No information on public procurement contracts lower than EUR 15 000 will be published. In practice the number of items may decrease substantially. It may happen that information on a given beneficiary was provided through FTS in 2011, but it is not provided for 2012 even though the sums contracted by the same beneficiary were similar in volume on both occasions.
  • There will be no more confidential names of beneficiaries, where the text "confidential" or "natural person" appeared instead of the beneficiary´s name. The publication shall be waived if the disclosure risks threatening the rights and freedoms of individuals concerned as protected by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union or harm the commercial interests of the beneficiary. There are several other newly introduced minor alterations. You will find additional information on the FTS in the FAQ and Help sections of this web site.


Please note that a small number of beneficiaries are not published on this website for security reasons.

Multiple beneficiaries

In the case of multiple beneficiaries of the same grant or other support scheme, the system will list all of them, providing the amounts per beneficiary, if this information is available.

The basic requirement for the Commission to publish this information on beneficiaries of EU funds is given in Article 38 of the financial regulation applicable to the general budget of the Union: Article 38 Publication of information on recipients and other information.

Article 38

  1. The Commission shall make available, in an appropriate and timely manner, information on recipients of funds financed from the budget, where the budget is implemented by it in accordance with point (a) of the first subparagraph of Article 62(1). The first subparagraph of this paragraph shall also apply to other Union institutions when they implement the budget pursuant to Article 59(1).
  2. Save in the cases referred to in paragraphs 3 and 4, the following information shall be published, having due regard for the requirements of confidentiality and security, in particular the protection of personal data:
    1. The name of the recipient;
    2. The locality of the recipient, namely:
      1. The address of the recipient when the recipient is a legal person;
      2. The region on NUTS 2 level when the recipient is a natural person;
    3. The amount legally committed;
    4. The nature and purpose of the measure.
    The information referred to in the first subparagraph of this paragraph shall only be published for prizes, grants and contracts which have been awarded as a result of contests, grant award procedures or procurement procedures, and for experts selected pursuant to Article 237(2).
  3. The information referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 shall not be published for:
    1. Education supports paid to natural persons and other direct support paid to natural persons most in need as referred to in point (b) of Article 191(4);
    2. Very low value contracts awarded to experts selected pursuant to Article 237(2) as well as very low value contracts below the amount referred to in point 14.4 of Annex I;
    3. Financial support provided through financial instruments for an amount lower than EUR 500 000;
    4. Where disclosure risks threatening the rights and freedoms of the persons or entities concerned as protected by the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union or harming the commercial interests of the recipients.
    In the cases referred to in point (c) of the first subparagraph, the information made available shall be limited to statistical data, aggregated in accordance with relevant criteria, such as geographical situation, economic typology of recipients, type of support received and the Union policy area under which such support was provided. Where natural persons are concerned, the disclosure of the information referred to in the first subparagraph of paragraph 2 shall be based on relevant criteria such as the frequency or the type of the measure and the amounts involved.
  4. Persons or entities implementing Union funds pursuant to point (c) of the first subparagraph of Article 62(1) shall publish information on recipients in accordance with their rules and procedures, to the extent that those rules are deemed equivalent following the assessment carried out by the Commission pursuant to point (e) of the first subparagraph of Article 154(4), and provided that any publication of personal data is subject to safeguards equivalent to those set out in this Article. Bodies designated pursuant to Article 63(3) shall publish information in accordance with sector-specific rules. Those sector-specific rules may, in accordance with the relevant legal basis, derogate from paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article, in particular for the publication of personal data, where justified on the basis of the criteria referred to in the third subparagraph of paragraph 3 of this Article, and taking into account the specificities of the sector concerned.
  5. The information referred to in paragraph 1 shall be published on the websites of Union institutions, no later than 30 June of the year following the financial year in which the funds were legally committed. The websites of Union institutions shall contain a reference to the address of the website where the information referred to in paragraph 1 can be found if it is not published directly on a dedicated website of Union institutions. The Commission shall make available, in an appropriate and timely manner, information about a single website, including a reference to its address, where the information as provided by the persons, entities or bodies referred to in paragraph 4 can be found.
  6. Where personal data are published, the information shall be removed two years after the end of the financial year in which the funds were legally committed. This shall also apply to personal data referring to legal persons whose official name identifies one or more natural persons.

The Financial Regulation

Data Protection

The European Commission maintains this website in order to make available information on beneficiaries of EU funds. Information contained in this website are processed in accordance Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. However, if errors are brought to our attention, we will correct them in line with the protection of personal data principles.

FTS - Info

Please note that the FTS provides information on funding from the EU budget implemented directly by the European Commission ('direct management') or implemented indirectly by other international organisations or non-EU countries ('indirect management'). Up to 75% of the EU budget expenditure is managed by both the European Commission and Member States ('shared management'). You can find more information about shared management in areas such as agriculture, cohesion policy, growth and employment by clicking on the links below: