Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

19/03/2024 Brussels

Towards full inclusion of persons with disabilities – the European Pillar of Social Rights and beyond

A conference about the future of the European Strategy on the rights of persons with disabilities

Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union

The Belgian presidency is organising a conference on the future of the European Strategy on the rights of persons with disabilities on 19 March 2024 in Brussels, in co-organisation with the Commission and with support of the European Disability Forum. The conference will focuse on these three following topics:

  • access to employment for persons with disabilities
  • an inclusive single market that promotes the free movement of persons with disabilities
  • reinforcing the implementation of the EU strategy and the UNCRPD on EU and national level – methods, tools and best practices

 As places are limited, participation is on invitation only.

This event is organised by the Belgian presidency of the Council of the European Union in co-organisation with the European Commission and with support of the European Disability Forum.


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