Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

Material and social deprivation rate for persons with disabilities (16+)

pdf icon MSD for persons with disabilities  en
Indicator name Material and social deprivation rate for persons with disabilities (16+)
Type (EU indicator/ NAT - national indicator) NAT
Periodicity Annual
Detailed definition The share of persons with disabilities who experience an enforced lack of 5 or more of the 13 deprivation items in the new list of material and social deprivation items. These deprivations are the inability to: face unexpected expenses; afford one week annual holiday away from home; avoid arrears (in mortgage, rent, utility bills and/or hire purchase instalments); afford a meal with meat, chicken or fish or vegetarian equivalent every second day; afford keeping their home adequately warm; have access to a car/van for personal use; replace worn-out furniture: replace worn-out clothes with some new ones; have two pairs of properly fitting shoes; spend a small amount of money each week on him/herself (“pocket money”); have regular leisure activities; get together with friends/family for a drink/meal at least once a month; and have an internet connection. Here the reference population is persons aged 16+ with moderate or severe disabilities, based on the GALI approach.
Source Eurostat, EU-SILC
SPC portfolio section Social inclusion – secondary
Key dimension Material or social deprivation for persons with disabilities

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