Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

At-risk-of poverty (Monetary poverty) rate for persons with disabilities (16+)

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Indicator name At-risk-of poverty (Monetary poverty) rate for persons with disabilities (16+)
Type (EU indicator/ NAT - national indicator) NAT
Periodicity Annual
Detailed definition The percentage of persons with disabilities in the total population of persons with disabilities who are at-risk-of-poverty, i.e. with an equivalised disposable income below the at-risk-of-poverty threshold. Here the reference population is persons aged 16+ with moderate or severe disabilities, based on the Global Activity Limitation Indicator (GALI) approach (i.e. persons who report either moderate or severe health-related activity limitations)
Source Eurostat, EU-SILC
SPC portfolio section Social inclusion – secondary
Key dimension Poverty risk of persons with disabilities

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