Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate

Indicator name In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate
Code 11
Type (EU indicator/ NAT - national indicator) EU
Periodicity Annual
Detailed definition Individuals who are classified as employed (12) (distinguishing between “wage and salary employment plus self-employment” and “wage and salary employment” only) and who are at risk of poverty. Indicator needs to be analysed according to personal, job and household characteristics, and also in comparison with the poverty risk faced by the unemployed and the inactive.
Breakdowns full-time/part-time
Source Eurostat – EU-SILC
Eurostat code tesov110
Eurostat data table In-work at-risk-of-poverty rate
SPC portfolio section Overarching - indicators
Key dimension In-work poverty. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF
Context of use In-work poverty. Used in: EPSR scoreboard (secondary indicator), SPPM dashboard, JAF

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