Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

S40 income share

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Indicator name S40 income share
Type (EU indicator/ NAT - national indicator) EU
Periodicity Annual
Detailed definition This measures the (total share of income of the bottom 40% in the income distribution of a Member State, based on net disposable household equivalised income). The indicator is to be calculated to two decimal places.
Breakdowns none
Comments/ Policy relevance Relevant to combatting poverty and social exclusion. Some weaknesses have been identified in the right-tail of the distribution due to underreporting and sampling error. Sample size is robust for all EU Member States.
Source EU-SILC
SPC portfolio section Social inclusion – context
Key dimension Inequality
Context of use Relevant to assessing inequality, and combatting poverty and social exclusion
Further details and related documents This indicator is calculated on the basis of the microdata collected in the EU-SILC survey. Household income is summed from all sources (employment, social transfers), the OECD equivalisation scale is applied and income is attributed to each household member to create a distribution. Shares are calculated on the basis of this distribution.

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