Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

News 10/01/2024

Commission reports shed light on research and innovation gaps to guide a digital and green transition

The European Commission has published two reports focusing on gaps of research and academic literature. They identify crucial aspects that need to be addressed in human and social sciences to guide Europe’s fair green and digital transition in terms of evidence-based science policy investment and to better focus on the relation of green and digital policies and the labour market.

Illustrations evoking modern transition to green energy. Enthusiastic woman promotes eco solutions, showcasing recycling sign and wind turbines.

© Shutterstock

The two reports - called respectively "R&I for a Fair Digital Transition" and "R&I for a Fair Green Transition" - were prepared by the European Alliance for Social Sciences and Humanities.

Both studies analyse several research projects on human and social sciences funded under Horizon 2020 and review several academic publications issued  on between 2017 and 2021.

R&I for a Fair Green Transition

This Fair Green Transition report focuses on research's gaps in terms of the human and social costs of the green transition, regulatory reforms, required reforms in education as well as technical and vocational training to equip youth for the future job market.

In the final part of the study, drawing on the contribution of a panel of experts, consideration is given to other important research themes which have not yet emerged either in project funding or in the research literature.

R&I for a Fair Digital Transition

The Fair Digital Transition report presents the results of a study on the existing research which is relevant to the questions that need to be addressed to ensure well informed and evidence-based science policy investment to guide Europe’s digital transition.

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