Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

EQAVET National Reference Points

The Council Recommendation on vocational education and training (VET) for and sustainable competitiveness, social fairness and resilience in November 2020 recommends that Quality Assurance National Reference Points (EQAVET NRPs) are in place to bring together relevant stakeholders at national and regional levels to:

  • Take concrete initiatives to implement and further develop the EQAVET framework
  • Inform and mobilise a range of stakeholders, including Centres of Vocational Excellence, to contribute to implementing the EQAVET framework
  • Support self-evaluation as a complementary and effective means of quality assurance to allow the measurement of success and the identification of areas for improvement, including digital readiness of VET systems and institutions
  • Actively participate in the EQAVET network
  • Provide an updated description of the national quality assurance arrangements based on the EQAVET framework
  • Engage in EU level peer reviews of quality assurance to enhance the transparency and consistency of quality assurance arrangements and reinforce trust between Member States.

Below you can find more information and the contact details on each country’s EQAVET NRPs and where you can find information on quality assurance.

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