Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

EQAVET governance and work programme

EQAVET governance structure


The EQAVET Network is chaired by the European Commission's DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion (DG EMPL) and is supported by the EQAVET Secretariat. 

The EQAVET Network works with a 'bottom-up’ approach, encouraging members to own the activities and decisions through active involvement of the EQAVET National Reference Points (EQAVET NRPs) and EQAVET national representatives from ministries and other responsible bodies. 

A Steering Committee, consisting of elected members of the EQAVET Network and key European stakeholders, works closely with the European Commission and the European Secretariat for EQAVET to: 

  • Offer advice to ongoing activities 

  • Inform about policy needs and contextualise policy developments within the Member States 

  • Ensure appropriate coordination, strategic development, and coherence with work in other relevant policy areas and process. 

This governance structure promotes an environment of collaboration and mutual learning and creates a strong foundation for the work of the EQAVET Network. 

Work programme 2021-2023 

The European Commission and the EQAVET Network, represented by the Steering Committee, jointly develop a multiannual EQAVET work programme. The 2021-2023 work programme outlines the key activities and thematic priorities for discussion and collaboration at EU level. 

The thematic priorities for 2021-2023 include: 

  • Reinforcing Quality Assurance for all VET sectors (initial vocational education and training, continuing vocational education and training, apprenticeships etc.) 

  • Reinforcing Quality Assurance for all formats of VET delivery, including work-based learning, individualised and digital learning (e-based/blended learning), and its assessment/recognition/certification 

  • Reinforcing Quality Assurance for non-standard forms of learning (outside the formal education system), like validation of non-formal and informal learning and micro-credentials 

  • Actively supporting the development and integration of indicative descriptors to promote flexibility and mobility in VET 

  • Actively supporting the process of building capacity and knowledge on standards for VET graduate tracking at national and EU level 

Actively exploring new ways to disseminate EQAVET Network knowledge and learning to other stakeholders, including VET/adult learning providers, Centres of Vocational Excellence, National Agencies, etc.  

EQAVET Network  

The EQAVET Network develops knowledge and capacity through intensive exchange and mutual learning activities that explore the current thematic priorities. The exchanges and mutual learning activities are organised as part of a work programme.  

Such activities include Peer Learning Activities, which allow EQAVET NRPs to compare and contrast approaches to specific topics, and Peer Reviews, which aim to support the EQAVET Network in reviewing national VET systems' quality assurance and deciding how to take it forward in the EQAVET context. The manual for the EQAVET Network’s approach to VET system level Peer Reviews is available to download from the virtual library 

The EQAVET Annual Network meeting allows to take stock of the progress and discuss future activities. The Annual Network meeting usually takes place each June in the country that holds the EU Presidency. Read the summary report from the latest Annual Network meeting, available here 

The EQAVET Network showcase the work and developments in the EQAVET Newsletter as well as in country factsheets, case studies and other publications available from the virtual library.  

Further information  

Interested in finding out more about the latest work of the EQAVET Network?  

The latest Peer Learning Activity focused on quality assurance of micro-credentials in VET. Read the Flash Report and Synthesis Report for more information.  

Visit the virtual library to read the latest Flash Reports from the Peer Reviews, which have covered topics including ensuring labour market relevance; new quality management systems; quality assurance of work-based learning; validation and quality assurance of non-formal and informal learning; and many more.  

The EQAVET Network work programme is available to download:

  • Download the work programme for 2021-2022 here.
  • Download the work programme for 2023 here.

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