Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

EQAVET quality assurance cycle

EQAVET quality assurance cycle

At the system and provider level, there are various ways to quality assure VET provision. One of the most effective approaches is the EQAVET Framework, which is a four-stage process that supports continual improvement. This process follows the Deming Cycle (Plan-Do-Check-Act), as shown above. 

Improve VET provision with EQAVET Framework: A four-stage process based on the Deming Cycle 

The EQAVET Framework's quality assurance cycle is applicable to various aspects of VET at VET system level and VET provider level, such as improving the design of vocational qualifications, supporting online learning, strengthening accreditation or validation systems, and more. This cycle is used across Europe in initial and continuing VET, work-based learning, apprenticeships, blended learning, the accreditation of prior learning and experience, and the development of full and partial qualifications. 

As the cycle supports continual change and improvement, each VET system provider can begin the quality assurance process at any one of the stages e.g.

  • When looking at the quality assurance of a new VET procedure (e.g. the design of new qualifications) it may be better to begin with the planning stage 

  • When adapting an existing VET procedure (e.g. the transfer of centre-based learning to on-line or blended provision) it may be better to begin by implementing the existing quality assurance processes and then evaluating its effectiveness 

  • For well-established VET processes, evaluating the effectiveness of the current arrangements is often the first stage of the quality assurance cycle 

  • When considering new policies or approaches to VET (e.g. increasing the amount of time learners are based in a working environment) the review of the existing arrangements is often considered to be the first stage of the quality assurance process 

Regardless of where the quality assurance journey begins, using all four stages of the cycle is necessary to achieve high-quality VET. The EQAVET Framework has resulted in the development of a wide range of quality assurance approaches in Member States that meet national and regional needs, circumstances, and traditions. All of these approaches use the EQAVET cycle, indicators, and indicative descriptors to support national, regional, or local quality assurance processes. 

Further information  

Find out how Italy is using the EQAVET cycle and EQAVET Framework in by reading the case study ‘Italy – EQAVET and the quality of VET’, available on the virtual library here 

Different Member States are using the EQAVET Framework in revising, further developing and enhancing their quality assurance approaches. Visit the virtual library to read the Flash Reports from Peer Reviews in Austria, Luxembourg and Slovakia (and others) that have discussed the use of the EQAVET Framework and new, or revised, quality management approaches.  

Read how Member States are implementing quality assurance by accessing the country factsheets, available in the EQAVET virtual library.  

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