Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

European Alliance for Apprenticeships

Strengthening the supply, quality, image and mobility of apprenticeships is one of EAfA’s aim

The European Alliance for Apprenticeships (EAfA) unites governments and key stakeholders with the aim of strengthening the quality, supply and overall image of apprenticeships across Europe, while also promoting the mobility of apprentices. These aims are promoted through national commitments and voluntary pledges from stakeholders.

Find out more about the European Alliance for Apprenticeships

Since 2020, the renewed EAfA calls for new commitments on digital and green apprenticeships, focusing on the economic sectors that will be at the front line of the transition to a climate-neutral Europe.

The renewed EAfA  promotes national coalitions, support SMEs and reinforce the involvement of social partners including at sectoral level, as well as mobilise local and regional authorities and support the representation of apprentices in the Member States. In addition, the renewed alliance will address important horizontal issues such as gender, social inclusion and the internationalisation of VET. 

View the activity plan

EAfA membership and pledges

Discover EAfA members and their pledges to strengthen apprenticeships across Europe

National commitments

Check out your country’s commitments to boost quantity, quality and supply of apprenticeships

EAfA activities hub

Find out upcoming activities and consult a pool of resources from previous EAfA events

Apprenticeships online library

Access materials, practical tools and guidance curated for EAfA members and stakeholders

Join the Alliance!

The Alliance is a platform for sharing experiences and learning from best practices. You can also find partners, develop new ideas and initiatives, and access the latest news and tools on apprenticeships. Stakeholders interested in making a pledge should complete the pledge application form.

If you wish to stay up to date with the Alliance, subscribe to receive news.

EAfA Communities

If you're an Alliance member, you can also join EAfA Communities - learn more about the EAfA Communities.

Apprenticeship Support Services

The Apprenticeship Support Services aim to improve the quality of apprenticeships across the EU. EAfA members can benefit from Apprenticeship Support Services, which provide online resources and networking opportunities that enable like-minded individuals to connect, learn and act.

EAfA on social media

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