Employment, Social Affairs & Inclusion

28/02/2022 Paris

French Presidency and European Commission join forces to give new impetus to the fight against homelessness

Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for Employment and Social Rights, and Emmanuelle Wargon, French Minister for Housing, are meeting on 28 February in Issy-les-Moulinaux with the ministers responsible for combating homelessness, as well as representatives of the European institutions, local and regional authorities, social partners and civil society to give new impetus to the fight against homelessness.

Homeless person with a dog

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In the continuity of the declaration adopted in Lisbon in June 2021, the 27 Member States and all the stakeholders validate an ambitious action plan. In particular, they commit themselves to carry out actions on prevention, access to housing and support for homeless people, and to support these measures with adequate funding.

The European Platform against Homelessness, initiated by the Commission and the Portuguese Presidency, will support them through a series of measures along the following lines:

  • supporting exchanges and learning between policy makers and social actors; disseminating and promoting good practices
  • exploiting EU funding opportunities
  • better understanding the phenomenon, collecting data and reviewing progress

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