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Image representing podcasts showing a microphone on the left and text on the right side saying Stats in a wrap


From changing travel habits and reducing our environmental footprint to youth employment trends and the growing interest in local food supply – our world does not stand still and our society is constantly changing in response to global events.

But do the changes we experience or initiate at our personal level also show on a bigger scale, across European society? Do the statistics and data confirm what we see in our daily lives?

The podcast series 'Stats in a wrap' looks at the world through the eyes of statistics. Its aim is to pick the most delicious morsels and striking flavours to provide insights into the unexpected, the quirky and downright peculiar perspectives that only the numbers can reveal.

Listen to our monthly episodes below or subscribe to our podcast on YouTubeApple Play and Spotify. Alternatively, you can use this Icon for RSS feed rss feed URL in other podcast players.

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The opinions expressed in the podcasts reflect solely the point of view of the speakers. They can in no way be taken to reflect the position of Eurostat, the European Commission or the European Union.

Asset Publisher

Season 3

Fact-checking and trust in times of fake news

Released on 17 June 2024

In this episode we talk about the world of political misinformation, news reporting, fact-checking and building trust in data.

Paweł Terpiłowski, Chief Editor of the Polish fact-checking organisation Demagog and Kerstin Hänsel, Head of Communications Strategy and Social Media at the German Federal Statistical Office (Destatis), discuss these topics with Jonathan Elliott. Together with Dean Vuletic, Information and Communication Officer at Eurostat, and Francis Elliott, former political editor of The Times, they talk about why accurate reporting and balanced analysis is a tough business. They also give us an insight into the battles of journalists and statisticians against dis- and misinformation.

Season 2

Season 1