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Complaint form for breach of EU law

1. About this complaint form

Via this form you can file a complaint against a breach of EU law by a Member State.

However, please note Commission action in response to complaints is unlikely to directly resolve your personal situation:

  1. The Commission is not obliged to open formal infringement procedures – even if it considers a breach has occurred.
  2. If the Commission does formally follow up your complaint, its aim is a general one – to ensure the laws of the Member State in question are brought fully into line with EU law and correctly applied.
    If the European Court of Justice confirms a breach of EU law, the Member State in question has to take action, to remedy the breach.

In order to directly resolve your personal situation, or be awarded compensation, you should take action locally, in the Member State concerned.

  • if solving your problem requires a national decision to be annulled, only national courts can do this.
  • if you are seeking compensation for damage, only national courts have the power to order authorities in their jurisdiction to award this.

Submitting a complaint to the Commission does not suspend the time limits for starting legal action under national law.

If you need more direct advice, you can contact our enquiry service.You can find information on how the Commission protects your personal data in the privacy statement. Please do not include any personal data of third parties or sensitive personal data in your complaint, unless strictly necessary for the handling of your complaint.

  • (required)

Note: Fields marked with an asterisk ((required)) are mandatory.


2. Information about the complainant

The Commission can receive emails from a ‘certified email service’ (e.g. [email protected]), but for technical reasons we cannot send replies to a certified email address. You should therefore provide a standard email address and/or postal address in the complaint form, so that we can reply to you.

I’m submitting this complaint on behalf of…(required)

Representative’s details

Your details / Complainant’s details

Who will be the Commission’s official contact for all correspondence about your complaint? (required)


3. Details of the authority or body you are complaining about


4. National measures suspected to infringe Union law

Please list the specific national measures (national law or other regulatory or administrative measures) you think are in breach of EU law and specify how they breach the EU law.

EU law you think has been breached

EU laws (e.g. Treaties, regulations, directives, decisions) or principles underpinning EU law.

If you’re not sure which EU law is involved, you can contact Your Europe Advice.


5. Problem description

Does the Member State concerned receive (or could it receive in future) EU funding relating to the subject of your complaint? (required)

Does your complaint relate to a breach of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights(required)


6. Supporting documents

Please list any supporting documents / evidence, which you could send to the Commission if requested.

Note that you can’t attach any documents at this stage, but we may contact you to send us the documents if required.


7. Previous attempts to solve the problem

Please note

The only way you can directly resolve your personal situation, or be awarded compensation, is to take action in the Member State concerned. The formal infringement procedure initiated by the Commission will not do this.

Have you already taken action in the Member State concerned to try to solve this problem? (required)

What action have you already taken? (required)

Why didn’t you take any action to tackle your problem in the Member State concerned? (required)

Please note

Please consider taking action in the Member State concerned. You will be able to assert your rights directly and personally by using the available national channels for complaining.

Have you already contacted any of the following EU institutions or services dealing with problems of this nature?

Please enter the reference number (format: XXXX/YYYY) of your correspondence with the European Parliament:

Please enter the reference number (format: XXXX/YYYY/AB) of your correspondence with the European Ombudsman:

Please enter the reference number of your correspondence with the European Commission:

Please enter the reference number (format: XXXX/YY/CC) of your correspondence with SOLVIT:

Are you aware of any action in the Member State concerned covering the issue you raise in this complaint?


8. Review data

Please review the data you have entered in this form before submitting it to the European Commission.

To make any changes, please use the Back button to go to the previous pages.


9. Security check


10. Authorisation

We are asking for permission to reveal your identity to the authorities you are lodging a complaint against.

This authorisation is optional but in some instances disclosing your identity may make it easier for us to deal with your case.

Do you authorise the Commission to disclose your identity in its contacts with the authorities you are lodging a complaint against? (required)

Click on the Submit button to send your complaint to the European Commission.

After receiving your complaint, the Commission will:

  • register it and confirm receipt of your complaint within 15 working days
  • assess your complaint within the following 12 months (if the issue is especially complicated, it can take longer)
  • where appropriate, propose to transfer it to the most suitable problem-solving mechanism
  • inform you about progress on your complaint.